3rd Ely Scouts Quiz local MP, Lucy Frazer

3rd Ely Scouts took part in a Zoom call recently with their MP, Lucy Frazer, MP for South East Cambridgeshire.

Lucy heard from Scouts about the weekly online meetings, virtual camp-out and things they’d been doing through Scouts during lockdown to keep busy.

Lucy answered their questions about what brought her into politics, what she does day-to-day, and what achievements she felt most proud of in her time at Westminster so far.

She faced questions from members of 3rd Ely about why she chose to become an MP, how it feels to be shouted at in the House of Commons, as well as policy questions around local cycle networks, school funding and the environment.

Lucy said that she got into politics out of a desire to make a difference, and she hoped that our Scouts would feel equally inspired to make a difference. Scouts had been due to visit Lucy in the House of Commons this summer, and hope to make the trip once restrictions lift.

DC’s Special Award

This new limited edition metallic version of our district badge can be awarded to youth members, leaders, supporters and others within our boundary at the DC’s discretion.

The badge will be presented with its certificate in a display frame suitable for non- uniformed recipients. For uniformed members, the badge may be worn in place  of the standard district badge.

You can’t ‘work towards’ or plan to gain this award. The badge can only be gained by nomination and is not intended to be given as further recognition for a scouting award that has already been made. The badge could just as easily be awarded for a spontaneous act of kindness as for a sustained contribution to scouting in Ely.

Examples that could be considered for the award are:

  • A scout keeping calm and taking the lead in a crisis.
  • A member of the public coming to the aid of a scout or scouter in difficulty.

This badge could also acknowledge and reward those who have gone the extra mile for scouting – there are many consistent supporters who don’t seek reward for what they do and often keep out of the limelight…

To nominate someone for this award, please email DC@elydistrictscouts.org.uk giving the name of the person and the reason you think they should receive the award.

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